11 research outputs found

    Knowledge Communities in Online Education and (Visual) Knowledge Management: 19. Workshop GeNeMe‘16 as part of IFKAD 2016: Proceedings of 19th Conference GeNeMe

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    Communities in New Media started in 1998 as a workshop series at TU Dresden, and since then has annually dealt with online communities at the interface between several disciplines such as education and economics, computer science, social and communication sciences, and more. (See Köhler, Kahnwald & Schoop, 2015). The workshop is traditionally a forum for interdisciplinary dialogue between science and business and serves to share experiences and knowledge among participants from different disciplines, organisations, and institutions. In addition to the core themes of knowledge management and communities (in the chapters of the same name), the main focus of the conference is also on the support of knowledge and learning processes in the field of (media-assisted) higher education. This is complemented by an informational perspective when it comes to more functional and methodological approaches - use cases, workflows, and automation in knowledge management. In addition, systems and approaches for feedback, exchange, and ideas are presented. With the focus of knowledge media design and visual research as well as creative processes, this time there is also a highlight on visual aspects of knowledge management and mediation. For IFKAD 2016, three GeNeMe tracks were accepted which focus on the interface of knowledge communities and knowledge management as well as knowledge media design in science, business, or education. In this conference volume you will find detailed information about these three tracks: -- Knowledge Communities I: Knowledge Management -- Knowledge Communities II: Online Education -- Visual Knowledge Management [From the Preface.]:Preface IX Vorwort XIII Knowledge Communities I: Knowledge Management 1 Process Learning Environments 1 Two Steps to IT Transparency: A Practitioner’s Approach for a Knowledge Based Analysis of Existing IT Landscapes in SME 13 Social Media and Sustainable Communication. Rethinking the Role of Research and Innovation Networks 26 Consolidating eLearning in a Higher Education Institution: An Organisational Issue integrating Didactics, Technology, and People by the Means of an eLearning Strategy 39 How to treat the troll? An empirical analysis of counterproductive online behavior, personality traits and organizational behavior 51 Knowledge Communities II: Online Education 64 Sifa-Portfolio – a Continuing Education Concept for Specialists on Industrial Safety Combining Formal and Informal Learning 64 Analysing eCollaboration: Prioritisation of Monitoring Criteria for Learning Analytics in the Virtual Classroom 78 Gamifying Higher Education. Beyond Badges, Points and Leaderboards 93 Virtual International Learning Experience in Formal Higher Education – A Case Study from Jordan 105 Migration to the Flipped Classroom – Applying a Scalable Flipped Classroom Arrangement 117 MOOC@TU9 – Common MOOC Strategy of the Alliance of Nine Leading German Institutes of Technology 131 A Survey on Knowledge Management in Universities in the QS Rankings: E-learning and MOOCs 144 Visual Knowledge Media 157 Generating implications for design in practice: How different stimuli are retrieved and transformed to generate ideas 157 Behind the data – preservation of the knowledge in CH Visualisations 170 Building a Wiki resource on digital 3D reconstruction related knowledge assets 184 Visual media as a tool to acquire soft skills — cross-disciplinary teaching-learning project SUFUvet 196 Graphing Meeting Records - An Approach to Visualize Information in a Multi Meeting Context 209 HistStadt4D – A four dimensional access to history 221 Ideagrams: A digital tool for observing ideation processes 234 Adress- und Autorenverzeichnis 251Gemeinschaften in Neuen Medien hat 1998 als Workshop-Reihe an der TU Dresden begonnen und seither jĂ€hrlich das Thema Online-Communities an der Schnittstelle mehrerer Disziplinen wie Informatik, Bildungs- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften, Informatik sowie Sozial-und Kommunikationswissenschaft u.a.m. thematisiert (vgl. Köhler, Kahnwald & Schoop, 2015). Der Workshop ist traditionell ein Forum fĂŒr den interdisziplinĂ€ren Dialog zwischen Wissenschaft und Wirtschaft und dient dazu, Erfahrungen und Wissen unter den Teilnehmern aus verschiedenen Disziplinen, Organisationen und Institutionen zu teilen. Die inhaltlichen Schwerpunkte der Konferenz widmen sich neben den Kernthemen Wissensmanagement und Communities (in den gleichnamigen Kapiteln) auch der UnterstĂŒtzung von Wissens- und Lernprozessen im Bereich der (mediengestĂŒtzten) Hochschullehre. ErgĂ€nzt wird diese eher organisationswissenschaftliche durch eine informatorische Perspektive, wenn es um stĂ€rker funktionale bzw. auch methodische AnsĂ€tze geht – Use Cases, Workflows und Automatisierung im Wissensmanagement. DarĂŒber hinaus werden Systeme und AnsĂ€tze fĂŒr Feedback, Austausch und Ideenfindung vorgestellt. Mit den Schwerpunkten der Wissensmediengestaltung und visuellen Forschungs- sowie Kreativprozessen wird diesmal auch ein Schlaglicht auf visuelle Aspekte von Wissensmanagement und -vermittlung geworfen. FĂŒr die IFKAD 2016 wurden drei GeNeMe-Tracks angenommen, die sich auf das Interface von Wissensgemeinschaften und Wissensmanagement sowie die Wissensmediengestaltung in Wissenschaft, Wirtschaft oder Bildung konzentrieren. Im vorliegenden Tagungsband finden Sie detaillierte Informationen zu diesen drei Tracks: -- Knowledge Communities I: Knowledge Management -- Knowledge Communities II: Online Education -- Visual Knowledge Management [Aus dem Vorwort.]:Preface IX Vorwort XIII Knowledge Communities I: Knowledge Management 1 Process Learning Environments 1 Two Steps to IT Transparency: A Practitioner’s Approach for a Knowledge Based Analysis of Existing IT Landscapes in SME 13 Social Media and Sustainable Communication. Rethinking the Role of Research and Innovation Networks 26 Consolidating eLearning in a Higher Education Institution: An Organisational Issue integrating Didactics, Technology, and People by the Means of an eLearning Strategy 39 How to treat the troll? An empirical analysis of counterproductive online behavior, personality traits and organizational behavior 51 Knowledge Communities II: Online Education 64 Sifa-Portfolio – a Continuing Education Concept for Specialists on Industrial Safety Combining Formal and Informal Learning 64 Analysing eCollaboration: Prioritisation of Monitoring Criteria for Learning Analytics in the Virtual Classroom 78 Gamifying Higher Education. Beyond Badges, Points and Leaderboards 93 Virtual International Learning Experience in Formal Higher Education – A Case Study from Jordan 105 Migration to the Flipped Classroom – Applying a Scalable Flipped Classroom Arrangement 117 MOOC@TU9 – Common MOOC Strategy of the Alliance of Nine Leading German Institutes of Technology 131 A Survey on Knowledge Management in Universities in the QS Rankings: E-learning and MOOCs 144 Visual Knowledge Media 157 Generating implications for design in practice: How different stimuli are retrieved and transformed to generate ideas 157 Behind the data – preservation of the knowledge in CH Visualisations 170 Building a Wiki resource on digital 3D reconstruction related knowledge assets 184 Visual media as a tool to acquire soft skills — cross-disciplinary teaching-learning project SUFUvet 196 Graphing Meeting Records - An Approach to Visualize Information in a Multi Meeting Context 209 HistStadt4D – A four dimensional access to history 221 Ideagrams: A digital tool for observing ideation processes 234 Adress- und Autorenverzeichnis 25

    Digital 3D Technologies for Humanities Research and Education: An Overview

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    Digital 3D modelling and visualization technologies have been widely applied to support research in the humanities since the 1980s. Since technological backgrounds, project opportunities, and methodological considerations for application are widely discussed in the literature, one of the next tasks is to validate these techniques within a wider scientific community and establish them in the culture of academic disciplines. This article resulted from a postdoctoral thesis and is intended to provide a comprehensive overview on the use of digital 3D technologies in the humanities with regards to (1) scenarios, user communities, and epistemic challenges; (2) technologies, UX design, and workflows; and (3) framework conditions as legislation, infrastructures, and teaching programs. Although the results are of relevance for 3D modelling in all humanities disciplines, the focus of our studies is on modelling of past architectural and cultural landscape objects via interpretative 3D reconstruction methods

    User-centered semantic dataset retrieval

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    Finding relevant research data is an increasingly important but time-consuming task in daily research practice. Several studies report on difficulties in dataset search, e.g., scholars retrieve only partial pertinent data, and important information can not be displayed in the user interface. Overcoming these problems has motivated a number of research efforts in computer science, such as text mining and semantic search. In particular, the emergence of the Semantic Web opens a variety of novel research perspectives. Motivated by these challenges, the overall aim of this work is to analyze the current obstacles in dataset search and to propose and develop a novel semantic dataset search. The studied domain is biodiversity research, a domain that explores the diversity of life, habitats and ecosystems. This thesis has three main contributions: (1) We evaluate the current situation in dataset search in a user study, and we compare a semantic search with a classical keyword search to explore the suitability of semantic web technologies for dataset search. (2) We generate a question corpus and develop an information model to figure out on what scientific topics scholars in biodiversity research are interested in. Moreover, we also analyze the gap between current metadata and scholarly search interests, and we explore whether metadata and user interests match. (3) We propose and develop an improved dataset search based on three components: (A) a text mining pipeline, enriching metadata and queries with semantic categories and URIs, (B) a retrieval component with a semantic index over categories and URIs and (C) a user interface that enables a search within categories and a search including further hierarchical relations. Following user centered design principles, we ensure user involvement in various user studies during the development process

    Communities in new media. Digital participation in hybrid realities and communities. Proceedings of 24th conference GeNeMe

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    Die Pandemie hat der Digitalisierung in Wirtschaft, Wissenschaft, Bildung, privaten Netzwerken und öffentlichen Institutionen einen enormen Anschub ermöglicht und gleichermaßen innovative Ideen sowie Schwachstellen aufgezeigt. Seit 2020 wurde unser Leben und Arbeiten zu einer hybriden, auf digitaler Kommunikation und Kollaboration basierten sozitechnischen Wirklichkeit transformatiert. [...] Wir haben uns offenbar auf den permanenten technologiebasierten Wandel bei zunehmender Beschleunigung eingelassen. Aber: Wo geht die Reise tatsĂ€chlich hin? Konstituieren sich Gemeinschaften ausschließlich im Wechselspiel hybrider RealitĂ€ten? Sind große Datenmengen Bedrohung oder Chance? Können wir diese ĂŒberhaupt verarbeiten oder bedarf es dafĂŒr grundlegend verĂ€nderter Werkzeuge und Methoden – wie Visual Analytics, Virtuelle Rekonstruktion, Virtual Engineering, virtueller Assistenten und kooperativer VR? Was hat digitale Innovation mit der Pandemie zu tun um umgekehrt? Kann unser Leben in hybriden Gemeinschaften auch langfristig erfĂŒllend stattfinden oder sind die virtuellen RealitĂ€ten eher ein Escape-Room aus einem bedrohlichen Alltag? Welche Kompetenz-Frameworks zwischen DigCompEdu und Literacy benötigen wir? [...] Das Konferenzprogramm bildet eine Vielfalt an Themen ab und unterteilt sich in die folgenden acht Tracks: Lehrformate und -methoden; QualitĂ€tskriterien fĂŒr Online-Lernszenarien; Kompetenzaneignung; Digitale Strategie und Plattformökonomie; Gamification; Partizipation und Kollaboration in öffentlichen RĂ€umen; Management von Partizipation und Kollaboration; Interaktive Formate. (DIPF/Orig.)The pandemic has given a huge boost to digitisation in business, science, education, private networks and public institutions, highlighting innovative ideas as well as vulnerabilities in equal measure. Since 2020, our lives and work have been transformed into a hybrid socio-technical reality based on digital communication and collaboration. [...] We have obviously embraced permanent technology-based change with increasing acceleration. But where is the journey really going? Are communities constituted exclusively in the interplay of hybrid realities? Are big data a threat or an opportunity? Can we process it at all or does it require fundamentally different tools and methods - such as visual analytics, virtual reconstruction, virtual engineering, virtual assistants and collaborative VR? What does digital innovation have to do with the pandemic and vice versa? Can our lives in hybrid communities be fulfilling in the long run, or are virtual realities more of an escape room from a threatening everyday life? Which competence frameworks between DigCompEdu and Literacy do we need? [...] The conference programme covers a wide range of topics and is divided into the following eight tracks: Teaching formats and methods; Quality criteria for online learning scenarios; Acquisition of competences; Digital strategy and platform economy; Gamification; Participation and collaboration in public spaces; Management of participation and collaboration; Interactive formats. (DIPF/Orig.

    MOVING: A User-Centric Platform for Online Literacy Training and Learning

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    Part of the Progress in IS book series (PROIS)In this paper, we present an overview of the MOVING platform, a user-driven approach that enables young researchers, decision makers, and public administrators to use machine learning and data mining tools to search, organize, and manage large-scale information sources on the web such as scientific publications, videos of research talks, and social media. In order to provide a concise overview of the platform, we focus on its front end, which is the MOVING web application. By presenting the main components of the web application, we illustrate what functionalities and capabilities the platform offer its end-users, rather than delving into the data analysis and machine learning technologies that make these functionalities possible


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    This open access book shows the breadth and various facets of e-Science, while also illustrating their shared core. Changes in scientific work are driven by the shift to grid-based worlds, the use of information and communication systems, and the existential infrastructure, which includes global collaboration. In this context, the book addresses emerging issues such as open access, collaboration and virtual communities and highlights the diverse range of developments associated with e-Science. As such, it will be of interest to researchers and scholars in the fields of information technology and knowledge management

    Design and Implementation of a Research Data Management System: The CRC/TR32 Project Database (TR32DB)

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    Research data management (RDM) includes all processes and measures which ensure that research data are well-organised, documented, preserved, stored, backed up, accessible, available, and re-usable. Corresponding RDM systems or repositories form the technical framework to support the collection, accurate documentation, storage, back-up, sharing, and provision of research data, which are created in a specific environment, like a research group or institution. The required measures for the implementation of a RDM system vary according to the discipline or purpose of data (re-)use. In the context of RDM, the documentation of research data is an essential duty. This has to be conducted by accurate, standardized, and interoperable metadata to ensure the interpretability, understandability, shareability, and long-lasting usability of the data. RDM is achieving an increasing importance, as digital information increases. New technologies enable to create more digital data, also automatically. Consequently, the volume of digital data, including big data and small data, will approximately double every two years in size. With regard to e-science, this increase of data was entitled and predicted as the data deluge. Furthermore, the paradigm change in science has led to data intensive science. Particularly scientific data that were financed by public funding are significantly demanded to be archived, documented, provided or even open accessible by different policy makers, funding agencies, journals and other institutions. RDM can prevent the loss of data, otherwise around 80-90 % of the generated research data disappear and are not available for re-use or further studies. This will lead to empty archives or RDM systems. The reasons for this course are well known and are of a technical, socio-cultural, and ethical nature, like missing user participation and data sharing knowledge, as well as lack of time or resources. In addition, the fear of exploitation and missing or limited reward for publishing and sharing data has an important role. This thesis presents an approach in handling research data of the collaborative, multidisciplinary, long-term DFG-funded research project Collaborative Research Centre/Transregio 32 (CRC/TR32) “Patterns in Soil-Vegetation-Atmosphere Systems: Monitoring, Modelling, and Data Assimilation”. In this context, a RDM system, the so-called CRC/TR32 project database (TR32DB), was designed and implemented. The TR32DB considers the demands of the project participants (e.g. heterogeneous data from different disciplines with various file sizes) and the requirements of the DFG, as well as general challenges in RDM. For this purpose, a RDM system was established that comprises a well-described self-designed metadata schema, a file-based data storage, a well-elaborated database of metadata, and a corresponding user-friendly web interface. The whole system is developed in close cooperation with the local Regional Computing Centre of the University of Cologne (RRZK), where it is also hosted. The documentation of the research data with accurate metadata is of key importance. For this purpose, an own specific TR32DB Metadata Schema was designed, consisting of multi-level metadata properties. This is distinguished in general and data type specific (e.g. data, publication, report) properties and is developed according to the project background, demands of the various data types, as well as recent associated metadata standards and principles. Consequently, it is interoperable to recent metadata standards, such as the Dublin Core, the DataCite Metadata Schema, as well as core elements of the ISO19115:2003 Metadata Standard and INSPIRE Directive. Furthermore, the schema supports optional, mandatory, and automatically generated metadata properties, as well as it provides predefined, obligatory and self-established controlled vocabulary lists. The integrated mapping to the DataCite Metadata Schema facilitates the simple application of a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) for a dataset. The file-based data storage is organized in a folder system, corresponding to the structure of the CRC/TR32 and additionally distinguishes between several data types (e.g. data, publication, report). It is embedded in the Andrew File System hosted by the RRZK. The file system is capable to store and backup all data, is highly scalable, supports location independence, and enables easy administration by Access Control Lists. In addition, the relational database management system MySQL stores the metadata according to the previous mentioned TR32DB Metadata Schema as well as further necessary administrative data. A user-friendly web-based graphical user interface enables the access to the TR32DB system. The web-interface provides metadata input, search, and download of data, as well as the visualization of important geodata is handled by an internal WebGIS. This web-interface, as well as the entire RDM system, is self-developed and adjusted to the specific demands. Overall, the TR32DB system is developed according to the needs and requirements of the CRC/TR32 scientists, fits the demands of the DFG, and considers general problems and challenges of RDM as well. With regard to changing demands of the CRC/TR32 and technologic advances, the system is and will be consequently further developed. The established TR32DB approach was already successfully applied to another interdisciplinary research project. Thus, this approach is transferable and generally capable to archive all data, generated by the CRC/TR32, with accurately, interoperable metadata to ensure the re-use of the data, beyond the end of the project

    Proceedings der 11. Internationalen Tagung Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI2013) - Band 1

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    The two volumes represent the proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Wirtschaftsinformatik WI2013 (Business Information Systems). They include 118 papers from ten research tracks, a general track and the Student Consortium. The selection of all submissions was subject to a double blind procedure with three reviews for each paper and an overall acceptance rate of 25 percent. The WI2013 was organized at the University of Leipzig between February 27th and March 1st, 2013 and followed the main themes Innovation, Integration and Individualization.:Track 1: Individualization and Consumerization Track 2: Integrated Systems in Manufacturing Industries Track 3: Integrated Systems in Service Industries Track 4: Innovations and Business Models Track 5: Information and Knowledge ManagementDie zweibĂ€ndigen TagungsbĂ€nde zur 11. Internationalen Tagung Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI2013) enthalten 118 ForschungsbeitrĂ€ge aus zehn thematischen Tracks der Wirtschaftsinformatik, einem General Track sowie einem Student Consortium. Die Selektion der Artikel erfolgte nach einem Double-Blind-Verfahren mit jeweils drei Gutachten und fĂŒhrte zu einer Annahmequote von 25%. Die WI2013 hat vom 27.02. - 01.03.2013 unter den Leitthemen Innovation, Integration und Individualisierung an der UniversitĂ€t Leipzig stattgefunden.:Track 1: Individualization and Consumerization Track 2: Integrated Systems in Manufacturing Industries Track 3: Integrated Systems in Service Industries Track 4: Innovations and Business Models Track 5: Information and Knowledge Managemen

    Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik (MKWI) 2016: Technische UniversitÀt Ilmenau, 09. - 11. MÀrz 2016; Band I

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    Übersicht der Teilkonferenzen Band I: ‱ 11. Konferenz MobilitĂ€t und Digitalisierung (MMS 2016) ‱ Automated Process und Service Management ‱ Business Intelligence, Analytics und Big Data ‱ Computational Mobility, Transportation and Logistics ‱ CSCW & Social Computing ‱ Cyber-Physische Systeme und digitale Wertschöpfungsnetzwerke ‱ Digitalisierung und Privacy ‱ e-Commerce und e-Business ‱ E-Government – Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien im öffentlichen Sektor ‱ E-Learning und Lern-Service-Engineering – Entwicklung, Einsatz und Evaluation technikgestĂŒtzter Lehr-/Lernprozess

    Grundlagen der Informationswissenschaft

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